We Are Experts In The Art and Craft of Cigars

don luca cigars

Our passion for cigars goes beyond a huff and puff. We indulge in each step of the process to create the best dominican cigars, from filler, binder and wrapper selection, to it’s delicate packaging and aging process. We have strived to bring to our visitors the whole experience of enjoying the cigar world and top cigar brands. It’s not just about smoking, it’s about the combination of a good cigar with the right rum, a finely curated chocolate or coffee. Allowing others to have an immersive experience of indulging the senses.

We work all our products from the ground up, working the the raw tobacco leaf, cocoa and coffee bean to transform them into high quality, satisfying masterpieces. With over 500 products locally sourced and transformed in our establishment we have made creation, transformation and refinement as part of our way of life.

Through these methods, we always strive to be some of the best dominican cigars and top cigar brands in the market.


Established Since


Cigar Collections


Cigars per Day


Clients Around the World

What Makes Don Lucas Cigars Great?

Advanced Aging Process

As with wine, time only makes cigars better. That is why we prioritize above all things our cigars aging process to produce the best dominican cigars.

High Quality Tobacco

Locally sourced tobacco leafs fill our storage units, planted and grown under supervised and certified tobacco fields. This allows for top dominican cigars.

Expert Cigar Manufacturers

Our team is one great machine, where each part is crucial for the others success. Working with many small teams of two, our teamwork is of the essence to our projects growth and quality.

Numerous Cigar Collections

Our extensive cigar catalog has a treat for every smoker. We have worked to develop a variation of collections that bring new flavors and profiles to our inventory. Expanding our name as one of the top cigar brands.

More Than Don Lucas Cigars

Compliment your visit to our factory by getting to tour through our complete establishment. Learning more of other products and services that will add even more value to your visit at Don Lucas Cigars.

Mundo Auténtico Shop

We make shopping a completely different experience. At our shop you will find all sorts of local artisanal products, an extensive cigar shop and even our wellness and skin care shop with products made in our establishment. You’ll simply find things here you won’t see anywhere else!


Welcome to our in home cocoa bean processor and shop. Visit where we make the magic happen to create incredible products like cocoa butter, chocolates, moisturizers and more.

Azul de Mar

Beautiful jewellery pieces crafted with local gems and stones like ambar and larimar. Hand crafted by local artisans for the unique and astonishing look.

Don Lucas Cigars

Our live cigar factory, the heart and soul of Don Lucas Cigars is open to all visitors where they can learn about the selection, creation and smoking experiences of our cigars.

El Cibao Artisanal Coffee

Visit our coffee shop were we house over 200 coffee products including our own. Watch as we roast, grind, blend and serve a cup of coffee you’ll never forget.

Oliver Rum

Get to know our exclusive rum selection. From it’s history, creation and tasting experience. Here, after your guided visit you can relax, have a good time and even find the perfect pair for your cigar. An overall pleasant adventure.

Our Client’s Experience

The Don Lucas Cigars experience from our visitors point of view, rating one of the best dominican cigar brands.

Our Clients Around The World

Find our top dominican cigars at you nearest location. We are established in 20+ cities around the world, bringing our quality cigars to different markets and consumers. Check out where you can find us.

dominican cigars
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dominican cigars